Time for Yourself
Posted by The PriorityPro on March 7, 2006 · Leave a Comment
In order to have uninterrupted time for yourself, you need to first believe that you deserve it and are capable of having it. In super busy lives, in order for time for yourself to occur, it must become a commitment that’s a priority in your life.
Uninterrupted time for yourself is of utmost importance to parents because of your vital role and responsibility to nurture your children. Taking care of yourself ultimately enables you to best care for your family and your work. It is important to nurture yourself regularly without feeling guilty.
One of the biggest obstacles to finding more time for yourself may be your own guilt! Time and making it a priority are the other two challenges that prevent super busy moms and dads to take time for themselves.
To be able to make time for things you want to be doing more of, it is important to know where your time is going and what is most important to you to be spending your time on. Sometimes, what we say is important isn’t exactly where we’re spending our time and energy. Spending time on yourself and on activities you enjoy is critical to keeping your life in balance, your stress level low, and the rest of your family happy. Maintaining inner harmony, peace, and joy will help increase your overall life satisfaction.
You will not be able to take care of everything or everyone else well—or, more important, enjoy your time with them—if you are feeling burnt out or resentful because your needs aren’t being met. Whether it’s reluctance to put yourself first (at least once in a while) or an inability to find the time to do it gets in the way, begin reclaiming your time and precious revitalization.
There are many valuable articles available at my site. Click here to view the Top Ten List for Utilizing Time more Efficiently. By optimizing your time, you can make time for the things that matter, including your self-care.
Warm regards,
Coach Natalie