Coaching Packages
Under the eNeRGy Coaching brand, we’ve assisted individuals and organizations since 1997. We’ve partnered with our clients to help decrease distractions, increase performance, reduce employee stress, improve productivity, and create a culture of satisfaction in the workplace. Coaching packages may be customized to meet your individual or organizational needs. Basic packages include:
Target Practice
Just-in-time coaching/training introductory session to help target developmental opportunities. No long-term commitment! No monthly retainer!
Includes an Energy Leadership Index Assessment and debrief session. More in-depth analysis and coaching to provide a targeted development plan.
Focused eNeRGy
eNeRGy coaching in an exclusive 1-1 6-month program. Coaching sessions usually occur by phone 3 times each month with unlimited brief laser contact between scheduled calls.
Priority Pro Individual Coaching Membership
A one year membership into the Priority Pro community with unlimited access to the Priority Pro for 1-1 coaching as needed, but not to exceed 4 sessions per month.
Priority Pro Group Coaching Forum Membership
An on-going membership community that meets by phone weekly in a facilitated group with similar interests and challenges. The group arrangement provides a cost effective opportunity to gain support in a synergistic environment where participants can learn, grow, laugh, share, trouble-shoot and problem-solve.
Corporate Bundle
A specially designed program for your rising stars, business leaders and key staff that includes an individual Leadership assessment; a 360 degree assessment (with up to 25 raters); an individual confidential debrief session; 6 months executive/leadership coaching, Just-in-Time Coaching for 3 additional months, the Energy Leadership Development System, Webinars/Teleclasses, and a kick-off presentation.
Call or use the contact form for pricing and to discuss your individual needs.