Executive Coaching

Today’s fast-paced, highly competitive, global, complex marketplace demands executives and leaders who can consistently deliver seemingly impossible results.  Executive/Entrepreneur development is a critical aspect for all organizations:

 A 2001 study on the impact of executive coaching by Manchester Inc. showed an average ROI of 5.7 times the initial investment or a return of more than $100,000 – according to executives who estimated the monetary value of the results achieved through coaching.

Coaching is recognized worldwide by leading experts from many disciplines as a powerful and effective tool for assisting leaders fine-tune their impact and influence on the senior team and the organization as a whole.  Through the coaching process, The Priority Pro, can help you create structure and opportunity to look past the routine daily challenges to gain clarity, focus, intuition, strategic thinking, and balance.  The benefits to executives who receive coaching are improved:

  • Working relationships with direct reports
  • Working relationships with immediate supervisors
  • Teamwork
  • Working relationships with peers
  • Job satisfaction
  • Conflict reduction
  • Organizational commitment
  • Working relationships with clients


“Today’s managers, professionals and entrepreneurs are hiring coaches to help them with time management, a change in career or balancing their work and personal lives.”

- Fortune


Coaching conversations cultivate laser-like focus and result in meaningful action toward achieving such key objectives as:

  • Developing leadership ability and presence
  • Managing competing responsibilities and challenging goals
  • Relationship building
  • Setting a vision
  • Personal branding
  • Motivating
  • Leading change
  • Team building
  • Crafting impact
  • Recognizing how you are perceived by others
  • Accountability
  • Ethics
  • Succession planning
  • Overcoming a career slump
  • Ongoing professional and personal development

Executive Coaching (typically 24 to 30 hours)

Typically for six months or less, the focus is to identify and prioritize developmental issues.  An initial assessment and data gathering is completed by the coach, including if applicable a 360 degree feedback process. The coach is retained for the implementation of the plan and follow-up for the client.

Expanded Executive Coaching (typically 40 to 60 hours)
Typically for six to twelve months, the focus can be:

  • to identify and prioritize developmental issues. An initial assessment and data gathering is completed by the coach, including if applicable a 360 degree feedback process. The coach is retained for the implementation of the plan and follow-up for the client.
  • to support the client in addressing and keeping a clear picture of strategic issues of the organization while addressing personal developmental issues.

Experience the benefits of coaching firsthand. Call The Priority Pro at 908-392-7098 or email natalie@theprioritypro.com to schedule an introductory coaching session and see how working with a coach can help you achieve your greatest potential.