Small Business survey results

Employees of small businesses say work-life balance is better than large companies. The main benefit of working at a small business is a good work-life balance, according to a recent employee survey by as reported at on January 30, 2007.’s latest small business survey reveals that despite a perceived gap in pay at small businesses other factors like work/life balance mean workers want to remain working at smaller companies.

Employees said there were several reasons they remained at small businesses, other than compensation. Forty-six percent said it was because of better work/life balance, 38 percent said it was the commute and 34 percent noted loyalty as a reason.

Benefits and opportunities for advancement, in addition to pay, were cited as advantages of working for large companies. Other advantages included a better commute, loyalty, a good boss, and positive relationships with co-workers, survey respondents said.

At the same time, some three-quarters according to the survey results.

About The PriorityPro
Natalie Gahrmann, an international expert, empowers professional women to ignite their passion, demonstrate personal leadership and exude greater confidence. Her background in business acumen and leadership development is instinctively applied through 1-1 coaching, workshops and keynote presentations. She can help you gain clarity, focus and direction so that you accomplish more of what's important to YOU!

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