Unconventional Productivity Tips
Posted by The PriorityPro on May 20, 2011 · Leave a Comment
A professional colleague of mine, Avish Parashar, the creator and owner of MotivationalSmartAss.com, is a motivational humorist who prides himself on being a little different than other humorists and very different than other motivational speakers. He has an edge about him that may motivate even the most ‘unmotivatable’!
Avish recently shared his “5 Unconventional Ways to Increase your Productivity” in his blog.
Click here to read his entire post. Realize it is not the standard advice but could certainly work for you!! Here is the gist of it but read his explanation in full to gain the understanding that will help you adapt this unconventional nontraditional thinking to help you improve your productivity!
1) Work on Stuff that “Has to be Done,” Last
2) Increase Your Commitments
3) Throw Away Your Goals
4) Stop Planning, Start Flowing
5) Stop Trying to be Productive Every Day
You may surprise yourself that after trying a good handful of the traditional approaches, an unconventional approach can net you some very powerful results!