Gaining Focus
Posted by The PriorityPro on April 27, 2006 · Leave a Comment
I conducted a presentation today to a group of women leaders at a college. Overall, it went ok but not as I had anticipated. So, when I analyze what went wrong….the bottom line is that I tried to put too much into a 45 minute presentation and ended up losing my usual focus and organization. I spent too much time in some areas and not enough in others.
Overall, the feedback about how I actually conducted the program was excellent because there was lots of information provided, participation and interaction, and effective communication. The problem was that I didn’t get to cover some of the pieces in the depth I had planned. The program felt a little unorganized to me, especially when I started to rush to get through it. I had planned on having the participants complete an activity but there was no time left. I wasn’t told that some of the participants needed to leave by 1:15, fifteen minutes before I was expected to conclude. Although I think I held it together, I felt distracted once people started leaving prior to my completion and wrap-up.
My contact requested that I combine 3 different presentations to cover the pieces she thought would be most beneficial to the audience. In my aim to please, I feel I over-promised. Combining 3 different programs and bringing them together into one 45 minute presentation gave me a challenge. Unfortunately, I am not pleased with my results.
I wonder how many times in life others may have similar circumstances occur in their work or personal life. I know I tend to be hard on myself, as are many of you reading this post. However, I believe there’s much to be learned here about staying focused on the desired outcome and not sacrificing quality. I’m interested in learning and growing from this experience and your experiences. Please contact me at to share.
Coach Natalie