Ask Powerful Daily Questions

If you’ve ever felt stuck, doubtful or dis-empowered, try this out!  

I’ve been using this technique recently with some of my clients and they are experiencing amazing results.  

Read the questions below and write them down so that you can keep them with you until they become second nature. Ponder  and think about the questions regularly. Talk to supportive friends, colleagues, family and your professional coach about it. Meditate and journal about these questions, too!

Question 1:   What is the easiest, quickest, and most enjoyable way to (my desired result?)

Question 2:   If I knew that it would work out in a way even better than I could imagine, what would I create for myself?

Question 3:   What is working in my life right now? (What am I grateful for in my life?) 

When you ask yourself powerful questions, such as those above, regularly and keep asking these same questions again and again,  answers will begin popping into your head (sometimes when you least expect them!).   As you continue doing this, answers will come more rapidly as you condition your thought patterns and train your brain to think more positive empowering thoughts. When your brain accepts a new possibility and negative thought patterns are blocked, more positive solutions can flow effortlessly. Rather than spending days or weeks contemplating a problem, you’ll more quickly be able to think about solutions.

Let me know how this works for you. Leave a comment on this blog!