Learn tips for Thriving in your SuperBusy life!

Read the latest blog entry on The Priority Pro’s blog at Manpower Associates so that you can learn important lessons that will help you thrive.


Unconventional Productivity Tips

A professional colleague of mine, Avish Parashar,  the creator and owner of MotivationalSmartAss.com, is a motivational humorist who prides himself on being a little different than other humorists and very different than other motivational speakers. He has an edge about him that may motivate even the most ‘unmotivatable’!

Avish recently shared his “5 Unconventional Ways to Increase your Productivity” in his blog.

Click here to read his entire post. Realize it is not the standard advice but could certainly work for you!! Here is the gist of it but read his explanation in full to gain the understanding that will help you adapt this unconventional nontraditional thinking to help you improve your productivity!


1) Work on Stuff that “Has to be Done,” Last

2) Increase Your Commitments

3) Throw Away Your Goals

4) Stop Planning, Start Flowing

5) Stop Trying to be Productive Every Day


You may surprise yourself that after trying a good handful of the traditional approaches, an unconventional approach can net you some very powerful results!

10 Tips for Balancing Work & Family Life

Read this article in the May issue of Treasure Coast Parenting to learn tips you can use in your own life to gain more balance.


Strengthen Your Leadership

Everyone can be a leader, regardless of title. You just need to be willing to step up. Many leaders are self-created, not born or designated, by their organizations.  In this link to my blog post at Manpower’s site, you’ll learn  some noteworthy behaviors that can help you be a strong leader regardless of your position within the organization.

Nine Ways to Move up the Career Ladder at Work


Can We Really Have it All?

Prevent Burnout

In the latest issue of my FREE e-newsletter, I share practical and timely tips for helping you prevent and overcome burnout.  You can read and subscribe here:  Success Tips for Super Busy Parents – Tip #4 (vol. 12) Prevent Burnout.  us1.campaign-archive1.com. Or, just visit my website and subscribe in the ‘post-it’ on the upper righthand corner of the header.

Help for Managing your Full Plate

Your burgeoning work load—not to mention the rest of your life—means you have a very full plate. But managing the mountains on your full plate just got easier! You have all the utensils on hand to more effectively handle those competing demands and conflicting priorities!

Read more….


Got Guilt?

It’s amazing how quickly we can feel guilty, even for the most meaningless things in our lives. Many of my clients struggle with guilt but its purpose it simply to let us know when we’ve done something wrong, to help us develop a better sense of our behavior and how it affects ourselves and others.  Guilt prompts us to re-examine our behavior so that we don’t end up making the same mistake twice. This article in Treasure Coast Parenting magazine offers 10 tips for busting the guilt. Hope it helps!


see page 48-49

Anticipate Summer Childcare Needs

Sure, it’s only the beginning of spring, but if you haven’t started making plans for summer care for your children, vacation plans, and revised work schedules you may already be too late for some options.  Camp programs that are perceived as the best fill up fast.  Hot vacation spots quickly become booked and sold out.

Decide what type of childcare or camp you will need to for your children.  Younger children, of course, need more care and supervision, whereas, older kids want more activities and trips.  Some children are old enough to spend time alone (but do you really want your children unsupervised every day for large periods of time?)  Perhaps, you can arrange with a neighbor or friend to be available for your children and keep an eye on things.

Depending on their ages, a job at a camp, with a landscaper or other seasonal help may be perfect to keep them busy.  Your children would have the opportunity to earn money and you can breathe a sigh of relief because you know where they are, what they’re doing and whom they’re doing it with.

Parents who are home often welcome a mother’s helper (usually a 10-12 year old who is not quite old enough in most cases to babysit on their own).  Local businesses may offer internships or apprentice programs to help young teens learn about business.  In some cases, your employer may permit and welcome some extra help during the summer.

Summer camp programs are a viable option for your children.  There are several million children ranging from age 3 through 16 enrolled in summer camp each year. The programs are either a day camp or an overnight schedule. Camp programs are available for just about every interest and length of time.  Consider your child’s interests and you may be able to find a camp that offers programs specifically in his/her interest area.  In addition, in some areas there are summer enrichment programs offered either independently or through the local school system.  You may be able to use the summer as an opportunity to have your child catch up in a subject he/she is falling behind or take extra classes in an area of interest.

If you are interested in hiring a babysitter or nanny to watch your children during the summer, determine what your needs and requirement are first.  Seek out candidates through agencies, advertisements and referrals.  Interview each candidate and check references.  When you’ve selected the person you want to hire, train her (or him) yourself.  Be sure your caretaker understands your wants and needs and can adequately supervise your children.  Discuss your rules and restrictions and be sure your caretaker understands them.  Decide whether or not you will permit your caretaker to drive with your children in the car, where he/she is allowed to take your children, where your children may play in the neighborhood, and, if swimming will be permitted.

You must be confident in the care you arrange for your children so that you can concentrate at work without constant worry or interruption with their phone calls.  You cannot wait until last minute to plan for the summer.

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